Timofeev-Resovsky N.V. Memoirs: Stories told by himself, with letters, photographs and documents / comp. and ed. N. Dubrovina. - M.: Consent, 2000. - 876 p.
Granin D.A. A huge man. pp. 7-10;
Ivanov V.I. To the readers of this book. pp. 11-14;
Shnol S.E. Paradox N.V. pp. 15-19.
Comments (Reformatskaya M.A., Ivanov V.I.). pp. 399-440;
Letters. (Lyapunova N.A., Bogdanov Yu.F., Reformatskaya M.A., Ivanov V.I. - comments on the letters). pp. 441-624;
Yyshchikova T.V. To the origins of the family. pp. 625-658;
Reformatskaya M.A. The youthful years of the same age as the century. pp. 659-686;
Ivanov V.I. Lelka and Kolyusha. pp. 687-706;
Sakanyan E.S. Love and protection. pp. 707-800;
Bibliographic index: Main works of N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. pp. 801-804;
Materials about N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. Published. pp. 804-815;
Texts from the archive of the director of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.I. Ivanova. pp. 815-817;
Chronological index: Main dates of life of N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky. pp. 819-822.